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Video Background for march 2024 fellowship HD
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Praying and Learning His Holy Scripture.

Calgary Gospel Assembly

We only Follow the Teachings of Jesus Christ!

We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone.

Ephesians 2:20 KJV

Be a Part of the Great Plan of God.

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Greetings in the precious name of our soon to return Lord Jesus Christ. Once again, the time has come to gather the people of God in Calgary to worship the Lord in one mind and one accord. Every day we are getting closer to the greatest move of God on this earth, it is the time for us to mingle our spirit and expect his blessings as in all of our fellowship meetings.

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The Sound of Our Worship


Visitors Comments

Haven Baxter
Haven Baxter
Very sweet and humble people
Lucas D
Lucas D
This is truly a heavenly family on earth. Worshiping and praising God together really allows all of us to connect and spread God’s love anywhere.
Simone Moreira
Simone Moreira
My husband and I were visiting Calgary this past weekend. We were welcomed with brotherly love by the members of this congregation. We appreciated the preaching and the joyful praises to God .

Come Join our Services and Prayer meetings. We Hope to See You Soon!

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